Landlord Fees Payable
We are a management agent and the main fee we will charge a landlord is Property Management Commission on rent collected of 12% inclusive of VAT.
Other fees payable are:
Provision of inventory at start of tenancy £120 inclusive of VAT
Signing a Tenancy Agreement (per tenant) £30 inclusive of VAT
Signing a Guarantee document (per tenant) £30 inclusive of VAT
Property Check in (per tenant) £ 30 inclusive of VAT
Deposit Protection (per tenant) £30 inclusive of VAT
Provision of Gas safety certificate £90 inclusive of VAT
Advertising fee nil
Setting up fee nil
Where a property is withdrawn from our management after we have located tenants and signed a tenancy agreement but before the end of the tenancy agreement fixed term we charge the cost of the fixed term management fee.
All fees quoted are inclusive of VAT at the current rate. If there is a discrepancy between the fees quoted in this document and the fees quoted in an agency agreement between us and a landlord, the agency agreement will override this document.